I submitted two new paintings for 1975 Gallery's show "By The Pale Moonlight". Great new space with absolutely killer art that made me more of a fan than just a participant. Along with all the 2d stuff there are some dynamite sculptures including an amazing scarecrow head light. Do yourself a favor and go see this show...you will not be disappointed! Here are some shots of my submissions. The first is called "Thirsty" for obvious reasons. The second is titled "Grimely Fiendish" which came about with a little help from Erich Lehman. It's the title of an old tune by the Damned. Seemed fitting, so there it is. This piece is actually mounted behind an old window so it looks as if he's looking in on the viewer. I have some other stuff to crank out so I'll update this as I turn them out. Thanks for checking in...